Upcoming Events and News
Mobility Playground - Yoga Classes @ Lynk & Co Club München

Date, Time and Location
An open Yoga Class series at Lynk & Co Club München in cooperation with yōyoka.
- Time: 18:30 - 20:30
- Date: Mo. 12. Feb. 2024
- Lynk & Co | Munich Club Rosental 5 80331 München Germany
Der mobility Playground.
Eine monatliche Open Yoga Class mit wechselnden Lehrenden in einem inspirierenden Umfeld.
75 min dinamic & energizing flow
Diesmal mit: Francesca Palmeri
DINAMIC & ENERGIZING FLOW (75 min – english)
Join Franvcesca for a vinyasa flow for strength, flexibility, balance and relaxation.
We will practice breathing exercises, physical asanas and relaxation.
Yoga combines movement sequences with calm breathing.
Physical movements are presented with variations to challenge your body, thus creating a perfect balance between exertion and relaxation. Synchronised with the breath, one pose glides gently into the next.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi – there is something to learn and enjoy.
What you can expect:
- A safe space
- Hands on assistance
- Attention to alignment
- Joyful practice
Is a registered 200h Yoga teacher and qualified in Pilates and in Nutrition & supplements for sport. Her mission is to offer a safe space where students can challenge themselves in small or big ways and exceed their limits.
Our bodies are stronger than what we think! She believes that Yoga guides us to become a better and more joyful version of ourselves.
As a consequence, we can create a better world, while having fun.
Ahimsa is her leading principle: non-violence to humans, animals, and environment.

All level welcome.
Du übst mit anderen yogabegeisterten Menschen im inspirierenden Umfeld des Lynk&Co- Clubs.
Bitte sei 5 Minuten vor Beginn der Klasse vor Ort.
Nach der Yogasession heißt es “Time to connect” mit Drinks und kleinen Snacks an der Lynk&Co-Bar. Bring also gerne etwas Zeit mit.
Der Eintritt ist frei. Eine eigene Yogamatte brauchst du nicht mitzubringen: Du übst auf einem Mindful Mate von yōyoka.
Alles Liebe
dein Team yōyoka & Lynk & Co